Weight, Don't Tell Me!

Get your symptoms taken seriously without your doctor blaming them on your weight, or suggesting weight loss as the treatment for everything.

One-time payment — yes, really!





You want compassionate healthcare and don't want the focus to always be on your weight...

And you know learning how to advocate for yourself at your doctor's appointments is exactly what you need to achieve just that. 

The problem is… 

You've been burned at your doctor's before. They always blame your symptoms on your weight, and the trust isn't there to get the care you need.

It can feel scary confronting your doctor. You might worry about potential conflict or negative reactions from your doctors when voicing your preferences.

You feel ashamed or embarrassed about your body. If you're used to being criticized about your weight, it can be intimidating standing up for yourself at the doctor's.



If you’re over there nodding and wincing, I’ve got some good news to share... 

There’s a different way — keep on reading!




Wouldn’t it be nice if you could…

Get better quality healthcare. imagine if your health concerns are addressed respectfully and thoroughly, leading to more accurate diagnoses and appropriate treatments.

Feel comfortable and confident at medical appointments. How would your healthcare change if you could assertively communicate your needs and preferences?

Enjoy less anxiety about your body. Experience a more positive and supportive relationship with your healthcare providers and your body, once you are able to get what you need from every appointment.

And all without ever having to talk to your doctor about your weight or weight loss ever again. 



Well, I’ve got some good news to share:

That’s the real magic that happens when you know how to effectively talk to your doctor!




Weight, Don't Tell Me!

A short and sweet training to help you advocate for weight-neutral care and receive the comprehensive, compassionate healthcare you deserve - and never have to step on the scale at the doctor's office again.


With "weight, don't tell me!" you will be able to:


Learn from an actual doctor

I am a practicing physician myself, and I know ALL the excuses doctors come up with when they provide less than stellar care. I can show you how to talk to your doctors in a way they will actually listen...and respond positively.


Replace anxiety with confidence

Stop feeling stressed and avoiding your medical appointments, and instead be confident that you will receive the medical care you require and deserve, that's fully aligned with your values and preferences.


Change the healthcare system for everyone

Improve not just your own medical care, but those you care about, too. If you show just ONE doctor how to provide weight-neutral, respective care, imagine how many other patients will receive better care as well...1000s! 


And the best part? You can get it for just $9 — yes, really.



What they're saying...


As a fat person, your approach to my situation and taking me seriously from the get-go was so refreshing and incredibly validating. It informed my hospital stay in a positive way, advocating for myself the entire time.

I’ve had many bad experiences lately with professionals in hospitals/offices but Dr. Tubman coached me with the utmost care, and now I feel human and like doctors are listening to my concerns and taking me seriously - which is something I’ve found hard to find in the past. Thank you Michelle for restoring my faith that good MDs still exist.Ad


I wanted to just drop a hello and say thank you for our interaction that day. Not sure if you remember me...but had to share...My GP tried to gaslight me into believing it was just my weight. I was furious. Again not listening to me. But I’m feeling good these days. Just taking things day by day. Thank you for being amazing. You change my life and perspective that day. I will be forever grateful.



Here’s everything you will learn inside Weight, Don't Tell Me!



Why weight discrimination is harmful

Anti-fat bias and weight discrimination runs rampant in healthcare, and it endangers your health and wellbeing. Learn how, and why it's so important we put an end to it



why a health at every size approach is important

There is a better way to achieve optimal health, and it doesn't involve weight loss. Learn how this movement is changing the face of healthcare, and how you can be a part of it.



how to talk to your doctor so they actually listen

Take it from a doctor who knows...there are ways to get your doctor to really hear you, and I'll show you exactly how it's done. Yes, this includes saying no to stepping on the scale.



how to ensure no more weight talk

Doctors always seem to be blaming symptoms on your weight, or recommending weight loss as the treatment for pretty much everything. There's a good reason for this - our healthcare system is based on weight-centric care. But this stops with you. Learn how to navigate the weight conversation with you doctor, and put it to bed forever.



how to gain the confidence to advocate for yourself

Learning how to navigate the doctor-patient relationship, understanding your rights as a patient, and advocating for the medical care you need is a skill, and you'll everything you'll need to master that skill in this course.



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And we cover it all in just 45 minutes so you can dive into self-advocacy as quickly as possible.



What’s included in Weight, Don't Tell Me! — and for just $9:




Short video lessons

All of the content is delivered by short videos that you can watch (or listen to) at your convenience.

written lessons

Prefer to read? I've got your covered. All the lessons are offered in wriite form as well.

letter templates

Print off these letters and make them your own to take to your next doctor's appointment to let them know your care preferences.

additional resources

Learn more about weight discrimination, anti-fat bias and Health At Every Size with these additional resources.




Frequently asked questions

You might be wondering...
  • How long will this take?
    Going through Weight, Don't Tell Me1 itself will take 45 minutes. I kept it short and sweet so you can dive straight into advocating for yourself at your next doctor's appointment.

    It will take you about 30 minutes to prepare prior to your next doctor's appointment using the tools I've shared.
  • What if I actually want to lose weight?
    Great! That is absolutely your choice, and I support you. This course is meant for people who don't want their weight brought up in medical appointments. So as long as that's something you want to work on, this course is a good fit for you.
  • What will I need to be successful with this course?
    All you need is to show up and practice. None of this is easy - our healthcare system faces so many challenges these days, and the barriers we all face in receiving equitable healthcare seems to be growing. But, there are ways to advocate for yourself to ensure you get what you need, and this course will show you how.
  • What if I don’t learn anything new?
    No problem. If you have not happy with this course, I will refund you within 14 days of purchase, no questions asked.
  • I have a different question.
    Great! Use the chat box at the right bottom corner of this page we'll let’s chat.




Hi, I’m Michelle!

Health coach and intuitive eating professional counselor for women ready to heal their relationship with food

I'm also a physician triple board certified in emergency, obesity and lifestyle medicine. And more importantly, I'm a woman living in a bigger body, and I'm well versed in all the challenges that brings.

One of my greatest passions is advocating against anti-fat bias in healthcare, and educating fellow physicians on the harms this causes our patients.

Now, I packed everything I know into this short and sweet mini course so you too can advocate for healthcare free of weight discrimination and receive the compassionate, thorough care you deserve.




Ready to get the weight-neutral healthcare you deserve?
It’s time to stop the weight talk and advocate for yourself at your next doctor appointment. It can be easy. And it can be quick — I’ll show you how.



Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!



Get "Weight, Don't Tell Me!" today for $9!

Confidently advocate for respectful, weight-inclusive care at the doctor's office. 

45-minute mini-course covering all the tools you need to confidently advocate for yourself

Videos and written notes to follow along

A letter template you can take with you to your next medical appointment, outlining your preferences

An advocacy card to let your healthcare providers know don't want to be weighed 

  • Total payment
  • 1xWeight, Don't Tell Me$9

All prices in CAD
